Monday, March 19, 2012

Summarizing Modern Genocides

     Some parts of history are hard to look back upon but to grow as a country, as a society we must look back upon the bad times. We do this because if we get comfortable we let our guard down and we can never let our guard down when it comes to human suffering.
     We say we have grown and learn from the mistakes of the Holocaust and the way it was handled. We obviously have not. From the slaughtering of innocent citizens in Sri Lanka, to Darfur, and Srebrenica. We as the US allow these mad men to get into power and then treat their citizens as livestock for slaughter! In Srebrenica like Sri Lanka a "safe zone" was established but it didn't stop the killing. If we have learned anything it is that if it doesn't affect our allies and our National Security its not a priority.
     All human life is sacred and the fact that mad men are out there killing it doesn't make sense but I guess that is life? People die everyday, what does it matter if a couple thousand die every year in third world countries it doesn't effect our economy that much. We can't stop everyone that would be impossible but we should at least try to prevent mad men from getting into power.

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