Saturday, December 3, 2011

America: Time to wake up

     What is happening to America? The country is 15 trillion dollars in debt, a war that has been raging for two decades, and there are protest across the country over wall street. It is time for America to hike up its big boy pants and handle the problems of today now instead of playing the blame game twenty-four seven in Washington.
     Our politicians are more concerned with the fact of if they're going to be re-elected rather than solving the fact that our unemployment level is at 8.6%  it has dropped from 9% in October but that is because about half of the unemployment drop last month was attributed to 315,000 people leaving the labor force. President Obama is going to approximately 1 billion dollars this year alone on his campaign to get re-elected for the presidency. It has gotten to the point that this is comical, and that is not at all a good thing. The problem in this country is no one has any accountability. The Republicans blame the Democrats, the Democrats blame the Republicans. In George Washington's farewell address of 1796 he warns us of political parties, "The alternate domination of one faction over another, sharpened by the spirit of revenge natural to party dissention, which in different ages & countries has perpetrated the most horrid enormities, is itself a frightful despotism. But this leads at length to a more formal and permanent despotism. The disorders & miseries, which result, gradually incline the minds of men to seek security & repose in the absolute power of an Individual: and sooner or later the chief of some prevailing faction more able or more fortunate than his competitors, turns this disposition to the purposes of his own elevation, on the ruins of Public Liberty." No one wants to admit to this but the D.C. game of politics is soiling the country, and the foundation and beliefs that it was built on. It is time to stop accusing and start accepting the problem of this debt not putting it on the back burner like the war in the middle east.
     I was born in the year 1994 and the Persian gulf war was in full bloom. From then till now I have lived in a time of war. It does not feel like it though... the stories my grandfather tells me of World War II America are those of unity,nationalism, and sacrifice. There was only one life back then the war and trying to end it, end the suffering as soon as possible. Like Vietnam we are living two lives, while the war is going on some families it is their life for everyone else the war does not touch them, even though if we where not at war there liberties would put into extreme jeopardy. Where are the war bonds? The war songs? The nationalism? What is the excuse this time, there should not be any with all our technology and communication skills the war in the middle east should be over. My generation does not know sacrifice because we never have had anything taken from us, we are pampered in a society that is over sensitive. We do not want to disappoint anyone so we do two things at once like have a war to protect freedom, and give welfare benefits to the people who don't believe in the war. Know because of the fact we have been living two lives the people who have been living outside the war are complaining because their lifestyles are in jeopardy because of our huge debt. So they are doing the one thing we have been taught when we don't get something put up a stink about it.
      The only thing I agree with about the Occupy Wall Street Movement is the fact that there does have to be a drastic change in the way things work in this country. Other than that well lets just say if they wanted to help the country they should be trying to find jobs. The Boston movement has been going on for two months and who knows instead of playing camping vacation in the middle of a city they could have found a job. By protesting against wall street they are slapping the people who built and protected this country across the face, the stock market is the definition and symbol of capitalism. It allows anyone a piece of a company, sure its a risk but that is what separates us from the rest of the world, if we did not risk anything well we would still be sipping tea instead of buying Starbucks coffee everyday. If anything protest to the legislative branch of this government because wall street can not change but the government has the power to create the change they are looking for. There is a reason there is a degree for someone to work on wall street, not anyone can do it, same with brain surgeons and officers in our Military. These protesters are saying that they could do a better job then the people who are doing it now, but they can't because if they could why are they protesting? From the way things are running in the government we can see why people don't have a degree to work in it.
     No one has the correct answer to these problems because they are so enormous that any attempt to solve them with one answer is impossible. What we need to do as a country is solve one problem at a time take it in chunks. It is not an easy or quick thing either, people's feelings will be hurt in the process we can not appeal to everyone. The first thing we need to solve though is pride, men and women of Congress, Mr. President, citizens of America we need to find that pride in our country that we lost along the way. I strongly believe even with all these problems we are the greatest nation in the world, because of that fact is why I am allowed to post my feelings of the country. We need to make sacrifices across the board, we need to unify as a country under the banner that we need to change, because if we don't its not the middle class, the lower class, the high class, it's going to be America that is going to be affected. My dream is that the Stars and Stripes will mean as much as they once did. God Bless America.  


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